Source code for pymodis.parsemodis

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  class to parse modis data
#  (c) Copyright Luca Delucchi 2010
#  Authors: Luca Delucchi
#  Email: luca dot delucchi at iasma dot it
#  This MODIS Python class is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 2.
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even implied warranty of
#  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
"""Simple class to parse MODIS metadata file, it can also write the XML
metadata file for a mosaic.


* :class:`parseModis`
* :class:`parseModisMulti`


# python 2 and 3 compatibility
from builtins import dict
import os

# lists of parameters accepted by resample MRT software
# projections
PROJ_LIST = ['AEA', 'GEO', 'HAM', 'IGH', 'ISIN', 'LA', 'LCC', 'MOL', 'PS',
             'SIN', 'TM', 'UTM', 'MERCAT']
# resampling

# datum
DATUM_LIST = ['NODATUM', 'NAD27', 'NAD83', 'WGS66', 'WGS72', 'WGS84']
SPHERE_LIST = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
               19, 20]

[docs]class parseModis: """Class to parse MODIS xml files, it can also create the parameter configuration file for resampling MODIS DATA with the MRT software or convertmodis Module :param str filename: the name of MODIS hdf file """ def __init__(self, filename): """Function to initialize the object""" from xml.etree import ElementTree if os.path.exists(filename): # hdf name self.hdfname = filename else: raise IOError('{name} does not exist'.format(name=filename)) if os.path.exists(self.hdfname + '.xml'): # xml hdf name self.xmlname = self.hdfname + '.xml' else: raise IOError('{name}.xml does not exist'.format(name=self.hdfname)) # tif name for the output file for resample MRT software self.tifname = self.hdfname.replace('.hdf', '.tif') with open(self.xmlname) as f: self.tree = ElementTree.parse(f) # return the code of tile for conf file self.code = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[1].split('.')[-2] self.path = os.path.split(self.hdfname)[0] def __str__(self): """Print the file without xml tags""" retString = "" try: for node in self.tree.iter(): if node.text.strip() != '': retString = "{tag} = {val}\n".format(tag=node.tag, val=node.text) except: for node in self.tree.iter(): if node.text.strip() != '': retString = "{tag} = {val}\n".format(tag=node.tag, val=node.text) return retString
[docs] def getRoot(self): """Set the root element""" self.rootree = self.tree.getroot()
[docs] def retDTD(self): """Return the DTDVersion element""" self.getRoot() return self.rootree.find('DTDVersion').text
[docs] def retDataCenter(self): """Return the DataCenterId element""" self.getRoot() return self.rootree.find('DataCenterId').text
[docs] def getGranule(self): """Set the GranuleURMetaData element""" self.getRoot() self.granule = self.rootree.find('GranuleURMetaData')
[docs] def retGranuleUR(self): """Return the GranuleUR element""" self.getGranule() return self.granule.find('GranuleUR').text
[docs] def retDbID(self): """Return the DbID element""" self.getGranule() return self.granule.find('DbID').text
[docs] def retInsertTime(self): """Return the InsertTime element""" self.getGranule() return self.granule.find('InsertTime').text
[docs] def retLastUpdate(self): """Return the LastUpdate element""" self.getGranule() return self.granule.find('LastUpdate').text
[docs] def retCollectionMetaData(self): """Return the CollectionMetaData element as dictionary""" self.getGranule() collect = dict() for i in self.granule.find('CollectionMetaData').iter(): if i.text.strip() != '': collect[i.tag] = i.text return collect
[docs] def retDataFiles(self): """Return the DataFiles element as dictionary""" self.getGranule() collect = dict() datafiles = self.granule.find('DataFiles') for i in datafiles.find('DataFileContainer').iter(): if i.text.strip() != '': collect[i.tag] = i.text return collect
[docs] def retDataGranule(self): """Return the ECSDataGranule elements as dictionary""" self.getGranule() datagran = dict() for i in self.granule.find('ECSDataGranule').iter(): if i.text.strip() != '': datagran[i.tag] = i.text return datagran
[docs] def retPGEVersion(self): """Return the PGEVersion element""" self.getGranule() return self.granule.find('PGEVersionClass').find('PGEVersion').text
[docs] def retRangeTime(self): """Return the RangeDateTime elements as dictionary""" self.getGranule() rangeTime = dict() for i in self.granule.find('RangeDateTime').iter(): if i.text.strip() != '': rangeTime[i.tag] = i.text return rangeTime
[docs] def retBoundary(self): """Return the maximum extend (Bounding Box) of the MODIS file as dictionary""" self.getGranule() self.boundary = [] lat = [] lon = [] spatialContainer = self.granule.find('SpatialDomainContainer') horizontal = spatialContainer.find('HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer') boundary = horizontal.find('GPolygon').find('Boundary') for i in boundary.findall('Point'): la = float(i.find('PointLongitude').text) lo = float(i.find('PointLatitude').text) lon.append(la) lat.append(lo) self.boundary.append({'lat': la, 'lon': lo}) extent = dict({'min_lat': min(lat), 'max_lat': max(lat), 'min_lon': min(lon), 'max_lon': max(lon)}) return extent
[docs] def retMeasure(self): """Return statistics of QA as dictionary""" value = dict() self.getGranule() mes = self.granule.find('MeasuredParameter') mespcs = mes.findall('MeasuredParameterContainer') ind = 1 for me in mespcs: value[ind] = dict() value[ind]['ParameterName'] = me.find('ParameterName').text meStat = me.find('QAStats') qastat = dict() for i in meStat.iter(): if i.tag != 'QAStats': qastat[i.tag] = i.text value[ind]['QAStats'] = qastat meFlag = me.find('QAFlags') flagstat = dict() for i in meFlag.iter(): if i.tag != 'QAFlags': flagstat[i.tag] = i.text value[ind]['QAFlags'] = flagstat ind += 1 return value
[docs] def getMeasureName(self, output=None): """Return the names of measure names :param str output: the path of the file where write the output """ names = list() measures = self.retMeasure() for k, v in measures.items(): names.append("{id}\t{na}".format(id=k, na=v['ParameterName'])) if output: out = open(output, 'w') out.write("{ns}\n".format(ns='\n'.join(names))) out.close() return 0 else: return "{ns}".format(ns='\n'.join(names))
[docs] def getLayersName(self, output=None): """Return the names of layers using GDAL :param str output: the path of the file where write the output """ try: import osgeo.gdal as gdal except ImportError: try: import gdal as gdal except ImportError: print('WARNING: Python GDAL library not found, please' ' install it to get layers list') names = list() gd = gdal.Open(self.hdfname) subs = gd.GetSubDatasets() num = 1 for sub in subs: names.append("{id}\t{na}".format(id=num, na=sub[0].split(':')[-1])) num += 1 if output: out = open(output, 'w') out.write("{ns}\n".format(ns='\n'.join(names))) out.close() return 0 else: return "{ns}".format(ns='\n'.join(names))
[docs] def retPlatform(self): """Return the platform values as dictionary.""" value = dict() self.getGranule() plat = self.granule.find('Platform') value['PlatformShortName'] = plat.find('PlatformShortName').text instr = plat.find('Instrument') value['InstrumentShortName'] = instr.find('InstrumentShortName').text sensor = instr.find('Sensor') value['SensorShortName'] = sensor.find('SensorShortName').text return value
[docs] def retPSA(self): """Return the PSA values as dictionary, the PSAName is the key and and PSAValue is the value """ value = dict() self.getGranule() psas = self.granule.find('PSAs') for i in psas.findall('PSA'): value[i.find('PSAName').text] = i.find('PSAValue').text return value
[docs] def retInputGranule(self): """Return the input files (InputGranule) used to process the considered file""" value = [] self.getGranule() for i in self.granule.find('InputGranule').iter(): if i.tag != 'InputGranule': value.append(i.text) return value
[docs] def retBrowseProduct(self): """Return the BrowseProduct element""" self.getGranule() try: value = self.granule.find('BrowseProduct').find('BrowseGranuleId').text except: value = None return value
[docs] def confResample(self, spectral, res=None, output=None, datum='WGS84', resample='NEAREST_NEIGHBOR', projtype='GEO', utm=None, projpar='( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )', bound=None): """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to create tif (geotiff) file :param str spectral: the spectral subset to be used, see the product table to understand the layer that you want use. For example: * NDVI ( 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) copy only layer NDVI, EVI and QA VI the other layers are not used * LST ( 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) copy only layer daily and nightly temperature and QA :param int res: the resolution for the output file, it must be set in the map unit of output projection system. The software will use the original resolution of input file if res not set :param str output: the output name, if not set if not set the prefix name of input hdf file will be used :param utm: the UTM zone if projection system is UTM :param str resample: the type of resampling, the valid values are: * NN (nearest neighbor) * BI (bilinear) * CC (cubic convolution) :param str projtype: the output projection system, valid values are: * AEA (Albers Equal Area) * ER (Equirectangular) * GEO (Geographic Latitude/Longitude) * HAM (Hammer) * ISIN (Integerized Sinusoidal) * IGH (Interrupted Goode Homolosine) * LA (Lambert Azimuthal) * LCC (LambertConformal Conic) * MERCAT (Mercator) * MOL (Mollweide) * PS (Polar Stereographic) * SIN (Sinusoidal) * UTM (Universal TransverseMercator) :param str datum: the datum to use, the valid values are: * NAD27 * NAD83 * WGS66 * WGS76 * WGS84 * NODATUM :param str projpar: a list of projection parameters, for more info check the Appendix C of MODIS reprojection tool user manual :param dict bound: dictionary with the following keys: * max_lat * max_lon * min_lat * min_lon """ # check if spectral it's write with correct construct ( value ) if not (spectral.strip().startswith('(') and spectral.strip().endswith(')')): raise Exception('ERROR: The spectral string should be similar to:' ' ( 1 0 )') # output name if not output: fileout = self.tifname else: fileout = output # the name of the output parameters files for resample MRT software filename = os.path.join(self.path, '{co}_mrt_resample.conf'.format(co=self.code)) # if the file already exists it remove it if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) # open the file conFile = open(filename, 'w') conFile.write("INPUT_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=self.hdfname)) conFile.write("SPECTRAL_SUBSET = {spec}\n".format(spec=spectral)) conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_TYPE = INPUT_LAT_LONG\n") if not bound: # return the boundary from the input xml file bound = self.retBoundary() else: if 'max_lat' not in bound or 'min_lat' not in bound or \ 'min_lon' not in bound or 'max_lon' not in bound: raise Exception('bound variable is a dictionary with the ' 'following keys: max_lat, min_lat, min_lon,' ' max_lon') # Order: UL: N W - LR: S E conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( {mala} {milo} )" "\n".format(mala=bound['max_lat'], milo=bound['min_lon'])) conFile.write("SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( {mila} {malo} )" "\n".format(mila=bound['min_lat'], malo=bound['max_lon'])) conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = {out}\n".format(out=fileout)) # if resample is in resam_list set it otherwise return an error if resample in RESAM_LIST: conFile.write("RESAMPLING_TYPE = {res}\n".format(res=resample)) else: raise Exception('The resampling type {res} is not supportet.\n' 'The resampling type supported are ' '{reslist}'.format(res=resample, reslist=RESAM_LIST)) # if projtype is in proj_list set it otherwise return an error if projtype in PROJ_LIST: conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_TYPE = {ty}\n".format(ty=projtype)) else: raise Exception('The projection type {typ} is not supported.\n' 'The projections supported are ' '{proj}'.format(typ=projtype, proj=PROJ_LIST)) conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = {pr}\n".format(pr=projpar)) # if datum is in datum_list set the parameter otherwise return an error if datum in DATUM_LIST: conFile.write("DATUM = {dat}\n".format(dat=datum)) else: raise Exception('The datum {dat} is not supported.\n' 'The datum supported are ' '{datum}'.format(dat=datum, datum=DATUM_LIST)) # if utm is not None write the UTM_ZONE parameter in the file if utm: conFile.write("UTM_ZONE = {zone}\n".format(zone=utm)) # if res is not None write the OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE parameter in the file if res: conFile.write("OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = {pix}\n".format(pix=res)) conFile.close() return filename
[docs] def confResample_swath(self, sds, geoloc, res, output=None, sphere='8', resample='NN', projtype='GEO', utm=None, projpar='0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0', bound=None): """Create the parameter file to use with resample MRT software to create tif (geotiff) file :param str sds: Name of band/s (Science Data Set) to resample :param str geoloc: Name geolocation file (example MOD3, MYD3) :param int res: the resolution for the output file, it must be set in the map unit of output projection system. The software will use the original resolution of input file if res not set :param str output: the output name, if not set the prefix name of input hdf file will be used :param int sphere: Output sphere number. Valid options are: * 0=Clarke 1866 * 1=Clarke 1880 * 2=Bessel * 3=International 1967 * 4=International 1909 * 5=WGS 72 * 6=Everest * 7=WGS 66 * 8=GRS1980/WGS 84 * 9=Airy * 10=Modified Everest * 11=Modified Airy * 12=Walbeck * 13=Southeast Asia * 14=Australian National * 15=Krassovsky * 16=Hough * 17=Mercury1960 * 18=Modified Mercury1968 * 19=Sphere 19 (Radius 6370997) * 20=MODIS Sphere (Radius 6371007.181) :param str resample: the type of resampling, the valid values are: * NN (nearest neighbor) * BI (bilinear) * CC (cubic convolution) :param str projtype: the output projection system, valid values are: * AEA (Albers Equal Area) * ER (Equirectangular) * GEO (Geographic Latitude/Longitude) * HAM (Hammer) * ISIN (Integerized Sinusoidal) * IGH (Interrupted Goode Homolosine) * LA (Lambert Azimuthal) * LCC (LambertConformal Conic) * MERCAT (Mercator) * MOL (Mollweide) * PS (Polar Stereographic), * SIN ()Sinusoidal) * UTM (Universal TransverseMercator) :param utm: the UTM zone if projection system is UTM :param str projpar: a list of projection parameters, for more info check the Appendix C of MODIS reprojection tool user manual :param dict bound: dictionary with the following keys: * max_lat * max_lon * min_lat * min_lon """ # output name if not output: fileout = self.tifname else: fileout = output # the name of the output parameters files for resample MRT software filename = os.path.join(self.path, '{cod}_mrt_resample.prm'.format(cod=self.code)) # if the file already exists it remove it if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) # open the file conFile = open(filename, 'w') conFile.write("INPUT_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=self.hdfname)) conFile.write("GEOLOCATION_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=geoloc)) conFile.write("INPUT_SDS_NAME = {name}\n".format(name=sds)) conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPATIAL_SUBSET_TYPE = LAT_LONG\n") if not bound: # return the boundary from the input xml file bound = self.retBoundary() else: if 'max_lat' not in bound or 'min_lat' not in bound or \ 'min_lon' not in bound or 'max_lon' not in bound: raise Exception('bound variable is a dictionary with the ' 'following keys: max_lat, min_lat, min_lon,' ' max_lon') # Order: UL: N W - LR: S E conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_UPPER_LEFT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = {milo} " "{mala}\n".format(mala=bound['max_lat'], milo=bound['min_lon'])) conFile.write("OUTPUT_SPACE_LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER (LONG LAT) = {mila} " "{malo}\n".format(mila=bound['min_lat'], malo=bound['max_lon'])) conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILENAME = {name}\n".format(name=fileout)) conFile.write("OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT = GEOTIFF_FMT\n") # if resample is in resam_list set it otherwise return an error if resample in RESAM_LIST_SWATH: conFile.write("KERNEL_TYPE (CC/BI/NN) = {res}" "\n".format(res=resample)) else: raise Exception('The resampling type {typ} is not supportet.\n' 'The resampling type supported are ' '{swa}'.format(typ=resample, swa=RESAM_LIST_SWATH)) # if projtype is in proj_list set it otherwise return an error if projtype in PROJ_LIST: conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_NUMBER = {typ}\n".format(typ=projtype)) else: raise Exception('The projection type {typ} is not supported.\n' 'The projections supported are ' '{proj}'.format(typ=projtype, proj=PROJ_LIST)) conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETER = {pr}\n".format(pr=projpar)) # if sphere is in sphere_list set it otherwise return an error if int(sphere) in SPHERE_LIST: conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_SPHERE = {sp}\n".format(sp=sphere)) else: raise Exception('The sphere {sp} is not supported.\nThe spheres' 'supported are {sl}'.format(sp=sphere, sl=SPHERE_LIST)) # if utm is not None write the UTM_ZONE parameter in the file if utm: if utm < '-60' or utm > '60': raise Exception('The valid UTM zone are -60 to 60') else: conFile.write("OUTPUT_PROJECTION_ZONE = {ut}\n".format(ut=utm)) # if res is not None write the OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE parameter in the file if res: conFile.write("OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = {res}\n".format(res=res)) conFile.close() return filename
[docs]class parseModisMulti: """A class to obtain some variables for the xml file of several MODIS tiles. It can also create the xml file :param list hdflist: python list containing the hdf files """ def __init__(self, hdflist): """Function to initialize the object""" from xml.etree import ElementTree self.ElementTree = ElementTree self.hdflist = hdflist self.parModis = [] self.nfiles = 0 # for each hdf files create a parseModis object for i in hdflist: self.parModis.append(parseModis(i)) self.nfiles += 1 def _most_common(self, lst): """Return the most common value of a list""" return max(set(lst), key=lst.count) def _checkval(self, vals): """Internal function to return values from list :param list vals: list of values """ if vals.count(vals[0]) == self.nfiles: return [vals[0]] else: outvals = [] for i in vals: if outvals.count(i) == 0: outvals.append(i) return outvals def _checkvaldict(self, vals): """Internal function to return values from dictionary :param dict vals: dictionary of values """ keys = list(vals[0].keys()) outvals = dict() for k in keys: valtemp = [] for v in vals: valtemp.append(v[k]) if valtemp.count(valtemp[0]) == self.nfiles: outvals[k] = valtemp[0] elif len(valtemp) == self.nfiles: outvals[k] = self._most_common(valtemp) else: raise Exception('Something wrong reading XML files') return outvals def _minval(self, vals): """Internal function to return the minimum value :param list vals: list of values """ outval = vals[0] for i in range(1, len(vals)): if outval > i: outval = i return outval def _maxval(self, vals): """Internal function to return the maximum value :param list vals: list of values """ outval = vals[0] for i in range(1, len(vals)): if outval < i: outval = i return outval def _cicle_values(self, obj, values): """Internal function to add values from a dictionary :param obj: element to add values :param values: dictionary containing keys and values """ for k, v in values.items(): elem = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, k) elem.text = v def _addPoint(self, obj, lon, lat): """Internal function to add a point in boundary xml tag :param obj: element to add point :param lon: longitude of point :param lat: latitude of point """ pt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'Point') ptlon = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLongitude') ptlon.text = str(self.boundary[lon]) ptlat = self.ElementTree.SubElement(pt, 'PointLatitude') ptlat.text = str(self.boundary[lat])
[docs] def valDTD(self, obj): """Function to add DTDVersion :param obj: element to add DTDVersion """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retDTD()) for i in set(values): dtd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DTDVersion') dtd.text = i
[docs] def valDataCenter(self, obj): """Function to add DataCenter :param obj: element to add DataCenter """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retDataCenter()) for i in set(values): dci = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DataCenterId') dci.text = i
[docs] def valGranuleUR(self, obj): """Function to add GranuleUR :param obj: element to add GranuleUR """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retGranuleUR()) for i in set(values): gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'GranuleUR') gur.text = i
[docs] def valDbID(self, obj): """Function to add DbID :param obj: element to add DbID """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retDbID()) for i in set(values): dbid = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DbID') dbid.text = i
[docs] def valInsTime(self, obj): """Function to add the minimum of InsertTime :param obj: element to add InsertTime """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retInsertTime()) obj.text = self._minval(values)
[docs] def valCollectionMetaData(self, obj): """Function to add CollectionMetaData :param obj: element to add CollectionMetaData """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retCollectionMetaData()) self._cicle_values(obj, self._checkvaldict(values))
[docs] def valDataFiles(self, obj): """Function to add DataFileContainer :param obj: element to add DataFileContainer """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retDataFiles()) for i in values: dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'DataFileContainer') self._cicle_values(dfc, i)
[docs] def valPGEVersion(self, obj): """Function to add PGEVersion :param obj: element to add PGEVersion """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retPGEVersion()) for i in set(values): pge = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PGEVersion') pge.text = i
[docs] def valRangeTime(self, obj): """Function to add RangeDateTime :param obj: element to add RangeDateTime """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retRangeTime()) self._cicle_values(obj, self._checkvaldict(values))
[docs] def valBound(self): """Function return the Bounding Box of mosaic""" boundary = self.parModis[0].retBoundary() for i in range(1, len(self.parModis)): bound = self.parModis[i].retBoundary() if bound['min_lat'] < boundary['min_lat']: boundary['min_lat'] = bound['min_lat'] if bound['min_lon'] < boundary['min_lon']: boundary['min_lon'] = bound['min_lon'] if bound['max_lat'] > boundary['max_lat']: boundary['max_lat'] = bound['max_lat'] if bound['max_lon'] > boundary['max_lon']: boundary['max_lon'] = bound['max_lon'] self.boundary = boundary
[docs] def valMeasuredParameter(self, obj): """Function to add ParameterName :param obj: element to add ParameterName """ valuesQAStats = [] valuesQAFlags = [] valuesParameter = [] for i in self.parModis: for val in i.retMeasure().values(): valuesQAStats.append(val['QAStats']) valuesQAFlags.append(val['QAFlags']) valuesParameter.append(val['ParameterName']) for i in set(valuesParameter): pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'ParameterName') pn.text = i
[docs] def valInputPointer(self, obj): """Function to add InputPointer :param obj: element to add InputPointer """ for i in self.parModis: for v in i.retInputGranule(): ip = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'InputPointer') ip.text = v
[docs] def valPlatform(self, obj): """Function to add Platform elements :param obj: element to add Platform elements """ valuesSName = [] valuesInstr = [] valuesSensor = [] for i in self.parModis: valuesSName.append(i.retPlatform()['PlatformShortName']) valuesInstr.append(i.retPlatform()['InstrumentShortName']) valuesSensor.append(i.retPlatform()['SensorShortName']) for i in set(valuesSName): pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PlatformShortName') pn.text = i valInstr = self._checkval(valuesInstr) valSens = self._checkval(valuesSensor) if len(valInstr) != len(valSens): raise Exception('Something wrong reading XML files') else: for i in range(len(valInstr)): ins = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'Instrument') pn = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins, 'InstrumentShortName') pn.text = valInstr[i] sens = self.ElementTree.SubElement(ins, 'Sensor') ps = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sens, 'SensorShortName') ps.text = valSens[i]
[docs] def valInsertTime(self, obj): """Function to add InsertTime elements :param obj: element to add InsertTime elements """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retInsertTime()) for i in set(values): gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'InsertTime') gur.text = i
[docs] def valLastUpdate(self, obj): """Function to add LastUpdate elements :param obj: element to add LastUpdate elements """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retLastUpdate()) for i in set(values): gur = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'LastUpdate') gur.text = i
[docs] def valDataGranule(self, obj): """Function to add DataFileContainer :param obj: element to add DataFileContainer """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retDataGranule()) for i in values: dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'ECSDataGranule') self._cicle_values(dfc, i)
[docs] def valBrowseProduct(self, obj): """Function to add BrowseGranuleId :param obj: element to add BrowseGranuleId """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retBrowseProduct()) for i in set(values): dfc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'BrowseGranuleId') dfc.text = i
[docs] def valPSA(self, obj): """Function to add PSA :param obj: element to add PSA """ values = [] for i in self.parModis: values.append(i.retPSA()) for k in sorted(values[0].keys()): psa = self.ElementTree.SubElement(obj, 'PSA') psaname = self.ElementTree.SubElement(psa, 'PSAName') psaname.text = k for s in values: psaval = self.ElementTree.SubElement(psa, 'PSAValue') psaval.text = s[k]
[docs] def writexml(self, outputname, pretty=True): """Write a xml file for a mosaic :param str outputname: the name of output xml file :param bool pretty: write prettyfy output, by default true """ # the root element granule = self.ElementTree.Element('GranuleMetaDataFile') # add DTDVersion self.valDTD(granule) # add DataCenterId self.valDataCenter(granule) # add GranuleURMetaData gurmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(granule, 'GranuleURMetaData') # add GranuleUR self.valGranuleUR(gurmd) # add dbID self.valDbID(gurmd) # add InsertTime self.valInsertTime(gurmd) # add LastUpdate self.valLastUpdate(gurmd) # add CollectionMetaData cmd = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'CollectionMetaData') self.valCollectionMetaData(cmd) # add DataFiles df = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'DataFiles') self.valDataFiles(df) # add ECSDataGranule self.valDataGranule(gurmd) # add PGEVersionClass pgevc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'PGEVersionClass') self.valPGEVersion(pgevc) # add RangeDateTime rdt = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'RangeDateTime') self.valRangeTime(rdt) # add SpatialDomainContainer sdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'SpatialDomainContainer') hsdc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(sdc, 'HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer') gp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(hsdc, 'GPolygon') bound = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gp, 'Boundary') self.valBound() self._addPoint(bound, 'min_lon', 'max_lat') self._addPoint(bound, 'max_lon', 'max_lat') self._addPoint(bound, 'min_lon', 'min_lat') self._addPoint(bound, 'max_lon', 'min_lat') # add MeasuredParameter mp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'MeasuredParameter') mpc = self.ElementTree.SubElement(mp, 'MeasuredParameterContainer') self.valMeasuredParameter(mpc) # add Platform pl = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'Platform') self.valPlatform(pl) # add PSAs psas = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'PSAs') # add all PSA self.valPSA(psas) # add InputGranule and InputPointer ig = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'InputGranule') self.valInputPointer(ig) # add BrowseProduct bp = self.ElementTree.SubElement(gurmd, 'BrowseProduct') self.valBrowseProduct(bp) output = open(outputname, 'w') output.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') output.write('<!DOCTYPE GranuleMetaDataFile SYSTEM "http://ecsinfo.' '' 'ScienceGranuleMetadata.dtd">') if pretty: import xml.dom.minidom as minidom reparsed = minidom.parseString(self.ElementTree.tostring(granule)) output.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")) else: output.write(self.ElementTree.tostring(granule)) output.close()