Source code for pymodis.optparse_gui

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A drop-in replacement for optparse ("import optparse_gui as optparse")
Provides an identical interface to optparse(.OptionParser),
But displays an automatically generated wx dialog in order to enter the
options/args, instead of parsing command line arguments


* :class:`OptparseDialog`
* :class:`UserCancelledError`
* :class:`Option`
* :class:`OptionParser`


* :func:`checkLabel`


# python 2 and 3 compatibility
from builtins import dict

import os
import sys
import optparse
    import wx
    import wx.lib.filebrowsebutton as filebrowse

__version__ = 0.2
__revision__ = '$Id$'

# for required options
from .optparse_required import STREQUIRED

TEXTCTRL_SIZE = (400, -1)

[docs]def checkLabel(option): """Create the label for an option, it add the required string if needed :param option: and Option object """ label = option.dest label = label.replace('_', ' ') label = label.replace('--', '') label = label.capitalize() if option.required is True: return "{lab} [{req}]".format(lab=label, req=STREQUIRED) else: return label
[docs]class OptparseDialog(wx.Dialog): '''The dialog presented to the user with dynamically generated controls, to fill in the required options. :param optParser: the optparse object :param str title: the title to add in the GUI :param parent: the parent GUI :param int ID: the ID of GUI :param pos: the position of GUI :param size: the dimension of GUI :param style: the style of GUI Based on the wx.Dialog sample from wx Docs & Demos ''' def __init__(self, optParser, title, parent=None, ID=0, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER): """Function for initialization""" # TODO fix icon # modis_icon = wx.Icon('/home/lucadelu/github/pyModis/pyModis.ico', # wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) # self.SetIcon(modis_icon) try: pre = wx.PreDialog() pre.SetExtraStyle(wx.DIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP) pre.Create(parent, ID, title, pos, size, style) self.PostCreate(pre) except: wx.Dialog.__init__(self) self.SetExtraStyle(wx.DIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP) self.Create(parent, ID, title, pos, size, style) self.CenterOnScreen() sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.args_ctrl = [] self.option_controls = dict() # IN THE TOP OF GUI THERE WAS THE NAME OF THE SCRIPT, BUT NOW IT IS IN # THE TITLE # top_label_text = '%s %s' % (optParser.get_prog_name(), # optParser.get_version()) # label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, top_label_text) # sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE | wx.ALL, 5) # Add a text control for entering args arg = self._checkArg(optParser.get_prog_name()) sizer.Add(arg, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5) self.browse_option_map = dict() # Add controls for all the options for option in optParser.list_of_option: if option.dest is None: continue if is None: = '' if checkLabel(option) == 'Formats': continue box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if 'store' == option.action: label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, checkLabel(option)) label.SetHelpText(' [default=%default]', '')) box.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE | wx.ALL, 5) if 'choice' == option.type: choices = list(set(option.choices)) if optparse.NO_DEFAULT == option.default: option.default = choices[0] ctrl = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, choices=choices, value=option.default, size=TEXTCTRL_SIZE, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY | wx.CB_SORT) elif option.type in ['file', 'output']: if option.type == 'file': fmode = wx.OPEN elif option.type == 'output': fmode = wx.SAVE ctrl = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, fileMask='*', labelText='', dialogTitle='Choose output file', buttonText='Browse', startDirectory=os.getcwd(), fileMode=fmode, size=TEXTCTRL_SIZE) elif option.type == 'directory': ctrl = filebrowse.DirBrowseButton(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, labelText='', dialogTitle='Choose output file', buttonText='Browse', startDirectory=os.getcwd(), size=TEXTCTRL_SIZE) else: if 'MULTILINE' in ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(400, 100), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) else: ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=TEXTCTRL_SIZE) if (option.default != optparse.NO_DEFAULT) and \ (option.default is not None): ctrl.Value = str(option.default) box.Add(ctrl, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALL, 5) elif option.action in ('store_true', 'store_false'): ctrl = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, checkLabel(option), size=(300, -1)) box.Add(ctrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE | wx.ALL, 5) elif option.action == 'group_name': label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, checkLabel(option)) font = wx.Font(12, wx.DECORATIVE, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD) label.SetFont(font) box.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE | wx.ALL, 5) ctrl = None else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown option action: ' '{act}'.format(act=repr(option.action))) if ctrl: ctrl.SetHelpText(' [default=%default]', '')) self.option_controls[option] = ctrl sizer.Add(box, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) line = wx.StaticLine(self, -1, size=(20, -1), style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(line, 0, wx.GROW | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() if wx.Platform != "__WXMSW__": btn = wx.ContextHelpButton(self) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) btn.SetHelpText("The OK button completes the dialog") btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btn.SetHelpText("The Cancel button cancels the dialog. (Cool, huh?)") btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) def _getOptions(self): """Return a dictionary with the options and their values""" option_values = dict() for option, ctrl in self.option_controls.items(): try: option_values[option] = ctrl.Value except: option_values[option] = ctrl.GetValue() return option_values def _checkArg(self, name): """Create an option in WX :param str name: the name of command to parse """ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # check what is the module if name == '' or name == '' or \ name == '': ltext = 'File HDF [%s]' % STREQUIRED self.htext = 'Select HDF file' self.typecont = 'file' elif name == '' or \ name == '': ltext = 'Destination Folder [%s]' % STREQUIRED self.htext = 'Select directory where save MODIS files' self.typecont = 'dir' elif name == '': ltext = 'File containig HDF list [%s]' % STREQUIRED self.htext = 'Select file containig a list of MODIS file' self.typecont = 'file' elif name == '': ltext = 'List of HDF file [%s]' % STREQUIRED self.htext = 'List of MODIS files' self.typecont = 'mfile' else: ltext = 'Test' self.htext = 'Test' label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, ltext) label.SetHelpText(self.htext) sizer.Add(label, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, border=5) if self.typecont == 'dir': self.arg_ctrl = filebrowse.DirBrowseButton(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, labelText='', dialogTitle=self.htext, buttonText='Browse', startDirectory=os.getcwd(), changeCallback=self.onText, size=TEXTCTRL_SIZE) elif self.typecont in ['file', 'mfile']: self.arg_ctrl = filebrowse.FileBrowseButton(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, fileMask='*', labelText='', dialogTitle=self.htext, buttonText='Browse', startDirectory=os.getcwd(), fileMode=wx.OPEN, changeCallback=self.onText, size=TEXTCTRL_SIZE) sizer.Add(self.arg_ctrl, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALL, border=5) return sizer
[docs] def onText(self, event): """File changed""" myId = event.GetId() me = wx.FindWindowById(myId) wktfile = me.GetValue() if len(wktfile) > 0: if self.typecont == 'mfile': self.args_ctrl.append(wktfile.split(',')) else: self.args_ctrl.append(wktfile) event.Skip()
[docs] def onBrowse(self, event): """Choose file""" dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent=self, message=self.htext, defaultDir=os.getcwd(), style=wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self.args_ctrl.SetValue(path) dlg.Destroy() event.Skip()
[docs] def getOptionsAndArgs(self): '''Parse the options and args :return: a dictionary of option names and values, a sequence of args ''' option_values = self._getOptions() args = self.args_ctrl return option_values, args
[docs]class UserCancelledError(Exception): """??""" pass
[docs]class Option(optparse.Option): """Extended optparse.Option class""" SUPER = optparse.Option TYPES = SUPER.TYPES + ('file', 'output', 'directory', 'group_name') ACTIONS = SUPER.ACTIONS + ('group_name',) TYPED_ACTIONS = SUPER.TYPED_ACTIONS + ('group_name',) # for required options ATTRS = optparse.Option.ATTRS + [STREQUIRED] def __init__(self, *opts, **attrs): if attrs.get(STREQUIRED, False): attrs['help'] = '(Required) ' + attrs.get('help', "") optparse.Option.__init__(self, *opts, **attrs)
[docs]class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): """Extended optparse.OptionParser to create the GUI for the module""" SUPER = optparse.OptionParser def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Function to initialize the object""" if wx.GetApp() is None: = wx.App(False) if 'option_class' not in kwargs: kwargs['option_class'] = Option self.SUPER.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None): '''This is the heart of it all overrides optparse.OptionParser.parse_args :param arg: is irrelevant and thus ignored, it's here only for interface compatibility :param values: is irrelevant and thus ignored, it's here only for interface compatibility ''' # preprocess command line arguments and set to defaults option_values, args = self.SUPER.parse_args(self, args, values) self.list_of_option = self.option_list for group in self.option_groups: title = "--{n}".format(n=group.title.replace(" ", "_")) o = Option(title, type='group_name', dest=title, help=title, metavar=title, action='group_name') self.list_of_option.append(o) for option in group.option_list: self.list_of_option.append(option) for option in self.list_of_option: if option.dest and hasattr(option_values, option.dest): default = getattr(option_values, option.dest) if default is not None: option.default = default dlg = OptparseDialog(optParser=self, title="{name} GUI".format(name=self.description)) if args: dlg.args_ctrl.Value = ' '.join(args) dlg_result = dlg.ShowModal() if wx.ID_OK != dlg_result: sys.exit() if values is None: values = self.get_default_values() option_values, args = dlg.getOptionsAndArgs() for option, value in option_values.items(): if option.required and value == "": self.error("The option %s is mandatory" % option) if ('store_true' == option.action) and (value is False): setattr(values, option.dest, False) continue if ('store_false' == option.action) and (value is True): setattr(values, option.dest, False) continue if option.takes_value() is False: value = None if isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) option.process(option, value, values, self) return values, args
[docs] def error(self, msg): """Return an error message with wx.MessageDialog :param str msg: is the error string to pass to message dialog """ wx.MessageDialog(None, msg, 'Error!', wx.ICON_ERROR).ShowModal() sys.exit()